Saturday, February 23, 2013

Mission Impossible: Birthday Dress

Hello Night Owls! I just took on a crazy project with a short dateline. I volunteered to make a birthday dress by Monday. So after work, I drove straight home and started cutting out the pattern. Got the fabric in the washer ready to press in the morning. 
Wish me luck, lol. 

Pattern and Fabric

Cut pieces just need to be pressed. 

Look my desk is so clean!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

I'm Not Gone!

Hello Everybody! It's been so long since my last post! We moved and I'm so blessed to have an extra room to set up all of my craft goodies. It's taking a little bit of time to get everything set up and organized. I've been taking pictures of the room and new projects in the works. So stay tuned for exciting new stuff!

It's still a mess but I'm getting there.

Messy desk lol