Friday, August 19, 2011

Betty Lou's TGIF Recipe: Pasta Salad

I've been making a lot of pasta salad this summer. This is a very simple and quick recipe that I made up with stuff in my kitchen. Colored pasta is my favorite. I know it really doesn't taste different, its just fun.  

Monday, August 15, 2011

Two Birds, One Stone

HELLO! Its official, my first customer ever purchased the white out apron! It was really awesome how it all worked out. The nice couple actually came to buy a rowing machine I posted on Craigslist. We got to talking and the conversation turned to aprons. After a few hints of interest, I brought all the aprons out to show the couple. She seemed pretty impressed and took a liking to the white one, the rest is history. Well not entirely, I gave her my contact info, said good night and then I jumped around in the kitchen for about 20 minutes marveling in my success.



Thursday, August 11, 2011

Video Tutorial?

Hello! I have a fun wallet project to share with you but its to long to type the instructions and all that. The project will use the fabric left over from making jean shorts. I'm very nervous about making a video tutorial, so if you really want to see how this is made please comment and tell me.

The red one is the inspiration. 

The plaid is from my BF's old shirt lol

Sorry for not posting in a while!